Friday 13 November 2020

FTRS Live on Zoom features Ralph Savarese (open mic returns!)


On Thursday, November 19 at 7 p.m., Ralph James Savarese will take to FTRS's Zoom stage to read from his latest work of poetry, When This is Over: Pandemic Poems, a collection of timely and insightful verse drawing on the experience of the pandemic. His reading will be preceded by a Zoom open mic for creative writers.

One week early due to Thanksgiving, this FTRS reading will happen live, online via Zoom. The event is free but advance registration is required. Please go to to register. You can join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device.

Ralph James Savarese is a professor of English at Grinnell College. He is the author of See It Feelingly: Classic Novels, Autistic Readers, and the Schooling of a No-Good English Professor (Duke University Press) and a book of poetry, Republican Fathers (Nine Mile Press).

Open Mic will begin at 7:00 p.m. followed by Ralph Savarese at 7:30. Attendees are invited to share their best five minutes of original poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. Send email to prior to November 19 to sign up for open mic.

The Final Thursday Reading Series is a collaboration of Final Thursday Press, the Hearst Center for the Arts, the UNI College of Humanities, Arts & Sciences, and the UNI Department of Languages & Literatures.

Monday 9 November 2020

Grant Tracey Live Zoomcast on "North American Review" presents

On Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. (CST) FTP author Grant Tracey will be featured on a live Zoomcast for "North American Review Presents." This discussion and reading will focus on Grant Tracey's new crime fiction chapbook Winsome / Bend of the Sun, but be ready for a wide ranging conversation (and Jimmy Cagney will likely come up at some point).

This event is free but requires advanced registration

In addition to Winsome / Bend of the Sun, Grant Tracey is the author of the Hayden Fuller Mystery Series from Twelve Winters Press. Tracey is Fiction Editor of the North American Review and a Professor of English and the University of Northern Iowa.

Friday 6 November 2020

Jeffrey Copeland's FTRS Reading Can Now Be Streamed

If you didn't get to attend the live Zoomcast, you can now stream Jeffrey S. Copeland's reading from his new book, Lt. Elsie Ott's Secret Mission. Thanks to all who attended and participated in the Q&A afterwards. 

Now that the Zoomcast has been piloted, the way is clear to bring back the open mic for next month's live-on-Zoom Final Thursday Reading Series featuring Ralph Savarese. Check back for more details.